Hey there!

I do UI/UX Design and 3D Modeling. Preferably for Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Reality. Love digging for unique solutions.

I'm looking forward to flat monitors becoming obsolete. Cause our environment and bodies have three dimensions. That's where we work intuitively, using our native tools.

Get in touch

Since I graduated with the Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design at HTWG Konstanz in South Germany in 2017, I am freelancing in Berlin. 
Before that, I interned at the Digital Design Agency Demodern at their office in Cologne, working with brands to craft digital experiences. Furthermore I collected job experience at Formigas in Constance, where I did a lot of Social Media and Motion Picture, as well as I held presentations about VR and AR.
I am part of the organizing team of the very first OneDay_VR – the VR Conference in South Germany. 

Beyond that, I love to spend my time drawing, improving my coding skills, exploring new places and doing some woodwork.


Photoshop : InDesign : Illustrator : Adobe XD : Sketch
Unity 3D : Cinema 4D : Google Blocks : Tilt Brush
CSS + HTML : Zeplin : Flinto : Webflow

After Effects : Premiere Pro
Javascript : Processing : Wordpress

C# : Java


German (mother tongue)


Spanish   :   French

-> Contact Page

Credits to Fabi and Fabi / Tightype for this awesome font Moderat.